Introduced to the Pelazian Galactic Senate by the Empire of Avinadal, Plasid is also known as UCO-1 in official records. Due to the Senate's cultural preservation practices and the fact that the Avainadalian government holds the only way to reach this planet, there is no public knowledge of where Plasid exists amongst the stars of Avilium.
Plasid is home to an ancient culture of humanoid beings who utilize a unique form of myst manipulation known as Infernal Magic. Plasidians are easily identified by the horns that adorn their heads and their long, fleshy tails. The Plasidian culture has been exposed to the growing populations of the Pelazian star cluster many times. Still, the oligarchical culture has actively avoided adopting technology utilized by their distant neighbors. Because Plasidian customs starkly contrast the socially acceptable norms of known Pelazian cultures, Avinadal has been scrutinized heavily for supporting Plasid and bringing them into the galactic senate. Still, the Emperor of Avinadal has consistently stood by his partnership with the oligarchy of Plasid.